I started playing MUD2 back in 1990 when it ran on a system called The Dragon (appropriately enough). I'd never played a multi-user game of any sort before, and the thrill was unbelievable. I remember my very first death as a superhero to the Exceptionally Large Goblin - he attacked me, I fled into a brick wall; he blocked my exit, so I fell asleep on the spot.... I was so upset I phoned the Arch-Wiz, Roger at his home to complain at how unfair it all was!
The Dragon system was a violent playground, and that death was only the beginning in an uncountable series of dramatic, daft, courageous, stupid, well-planned and random deaths that followed. It was there I met some of the players, both mortal and immortal, I have come to consider friends (although they might at times have disagreed - ehehe). It was a sad day when I left The Dragon and MUD2, with the expectation never to play again.
Then, once day, I heard rumours of a new MUD2 site on the Internet called MUD2.COM. It was with great excitement that I ventured into the Land once more, greeted by friends from years before. After digging out my old maps, and wiping the cobwebs from my memories, Lestat was back to his old ways again. Once again I died all manner of grisly deaths, from losing a necromancer to radiation sickness to inadvertently helping a mage to wizdom by my untimely demise. The coveted (?) DOTM was mine on more than one occasion...
However, from time to time I'd take one with me, once again know the thrill of draining another's life and hear that sweet bell tolling in the distance.
Unfortunately, real life pressures began to intervene, and I decided to make one last try for wizdom before hanging up my longsword for a while, at least until my finals were over.... I was well on my way, when disaster struck - I was awarded the POTM! I struggled valiantly to beat the Curse and make it through the final hurdle, but alas it was not to be. The Curse was in league with my two nemeses, namely the Lag Beast and the Dragon. The three teamed up to destroy me, and it was all over - beaten to death by the Dragon, held helpless by the Lag Beast, while the Curse looked on and laughed...
Thanks to all those who've made MUD2 so much fun: Richard for making it possible, Viktor for playing the gracious host, and all those mortals and immortals I've had the pleasure of knowing over the years.